
Showing posts from April, 2021

Spring Assisted Knives - The Best Types of Pocket Knives

Spring assisted knives are sometimes known as assisted opening knives because of the spring blade deployment mechanism they feature. These knives are known to be the best types of pocket knives. Other types include automatic knives and manual folding knives. So, these spring assisted knives are the best in several ways. We are exploring the key features of these knives along with the benefits that they offer. So, here is a detailed analysis of assisted opening knives!  Features of Spring Assisted Knives! Spring Blade Deployment Mechanism The most prominent and key feature of spring assisted knives is the spring mechanism. A spring is there to serve the blade deployment. You need to partially open the blade before the spring comes into action and opens the blade to a fully opened position.  Safety Lock A safety lock is another useful feature of these knives. It makes these knives very safe and easy to carry. It ensures that the blade remains well locked inside the handle. Also, it m

Top 10 Fixed Blade Knives for Outdoorsmen, Hunters & Campers

Hunters, campers and other outdoorsmen tend to carry knives when they march towards the wilderness. Knife is one of the essential supplies for them. They need to carry knives that are sturdy and possess immense strength. Therefore, they often carry huge deadliest knives with powerful blades. This is because they need to accomplish heavy duty cutting work with their knives. Hence, the knives they use to carry are the fixed blade knives. These are considered the most powerful knives available in the market.  Compared to folding knives, these are more powerful and are ideal for these outdoorsmen. So, if you are a hunter, a camper, or an outdoorsman, you have to pick a fixed blade knife. We have enlisted the top 10 fixed blade knives for such outdoorsmen. Let’s explore!  What is a Fixed Blade Knife? A fixed blade knife is simply defined as the knife with a fixed blade. The knife remains fixed to the handle. It is opposed to the folding knife because a folding knife has a blade that ca