Karambit Knife - Facts & Features You Must Know

A karambit knife is one of the popular knives around. It is basically known for its shape which is curved. It has a curved blade and handle and hence comes up as a very unique knife. Hailing from the Philippines, it is one of the ancient knives. There are certain historical facts associated with the knife that you need to know. In addition, it has some stunning features that differentiate it from the other knives. Here is a brief overview of the facts and features of a karambit knife:

A Curved Blade

First of all, a karambit knife has a curved blade and a curved handle. This is the shape of this knife that makes it unique. The curved blade makes it an ideal knife for self defense and combat. It can do the slashing actions and injure the opponent. 

Tactical Handle

Secondly, the karambit knife has a very tactical handle. There are a few tactical features on the knife. The handle is ergonomic and provides a very comfortable grip. You can maintain a great control on the knife. Also, there is a safety ring to ensure your safety while using it. 

A Self Defense & Combat Knife

A karambit knife is a perfect self defense knife. The women of the Philippines tended to carry this knife for self defense. In addition, this knife is a perfect one for combat. Thanks to its curved balde, it can be used for combat. In fact, the safety ring makes it great for combat. 

An Agriculture Knife

A karambit knife is also known as an agricultural knife. It was used as a knife to reap and cut crops in the Philippines. It can easily cut rice, soy and wheat crops. The curved blade makes it ideal for such agricultural cutting work. 

A Knife to Have in Your Arsenal

All in all, a karambit knife is the best knife to have in your arsenal in 2021. It deserves a place in your collection. If you just want to carry one knife with you, make sure it is his curved bladed knife. It is an ideal knife to carry in your pocket. 

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